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Climate Works for All is a coalition of labor, community, faith, environmental justice, and climate organizations that have come together to fight climate change and inequality in NYC by demanding a Just Transition for workers and Environmental Justice communities. Our campaigns move us towards an equitable economy,  a resilient, livable and healthy climate, and must prioritize justice for low income Black and Brown communities across New York City.

Our Mission

To decarbonize and make resilient NYC’s building sector while centering workers and environmental justice communities to improve people’s quality of life, health, our environment, and climate.

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Building Green, Healthy Schools

with Career Union Jobs

Transforming Dirty Buildings into Cleaner, Greener Structures and Creating Thousands of Good Jobs

Who we are

Coordinating Committee 


Coalition Members

350 BK, 350 NYC, ALIGN, Central Labor Council (CLC), Climate Families NYC, District Council 37, DC-9 Painters, El Puente, Heat Cool Smart Brooklyn, Jewish Climate Action Network - NY, Kinetic Communities, Local 3 IBEW, New York City Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA), New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI), New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA), We Stay/Nos Quedamos, People's Climate Movement - NY, PSC-CUNY, Sierra Club, TREEage, Urban Homesteading Assistance Board (UHAB), WE ACT for Environmental Justice

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©2023 by Climate Works for All.

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