New York City public schools were among the institutions hit hardest by COVID-19, especially in frontline Black and brown communities. These communities are ingesting toxic air and water, suffering from heat waves, and bracing for the next big storm. New York’s more than 1.1 million students, teachers, and staff need clean air in schools and more resilient communities that will withstand more frequent catastrophic climate events.

Investing in Green, Healthy Schools with Career Union Jobs

Climate Works for All has assembled a strong coalition of labor unions, students and their families, school staff, and environmental justice groups united in the fight for Green, Healthy Schools. NYC 3K-12 students, teachers, parents, and school staff deserve safe and healthy workplaces, and Climate Works for All is calling on Mayor Adams to invest in Green, Healthy Schools so all students can breathe clean air and attend school safely — regardless of zip code.

On the heels of Mayor Adam’s drastic cuts to public schools, the coalition is calling for a sustainable alternative to his austerity budget:

  • To electrify and upgrade air quality and ventilation for 500 public school buildings by 2030, prioritizing schools in environmental justice communities,

  • And to commit NYC’s Department of Education to become a zero emissions school district by 2040.

By retrofitting, electrifying, and upgrading 500 schools by 2030 and all 1300 school buildings by 2040, NYC can:

  • Save significantly on energy costs

  • Invest in environmental justice communities, where 70% of schools with the highest ventilation needs are located.

  • Enhance student performance, engagement, and attendance.

  • Create thousands of good, green, union jobs.

  • Reduce air pollution, improve ventilation, and improve overall health, including minimizing the spread of airborne diseases like COVID-19.

  • Work toward the city’s building decarbonization goals mandated by Local Law 97 of 2019 and significantly reduce citywide emissions.